Thursday, 31 March 2016

Active Learning Workshop at Bandar Baru Bangi

18 & 19 March, 2016
In need of deeper exploration on the term Active Learning, experts on active learning methods from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Khairiyah Mohd Yusof from the field of Engineering Education and Dr. Syed Ahmad Helmi Syed Hassan from the field of Mechanical Engineering facilitated a recent workshop. The workshop was one important step to foster a more conducive learning environment for students so that they would have an active role in the learning process.
Together, approximately 20 educators from all around Peninsular Malaysia attended the first series of Active Learning Workshop with a desire to seek knowledge, for learning is a never ending process.
The workshop focused on topics such as making group discussions productive, student assessment beyond grading, and engaging students through different modes of active learning. The main highlights, voted to be the best by participants were the 20 techniques of informal cooperative learning that could be implemented during teaching, the How People Learn (HPL) Framework and Constructive Alignment.
Participants also gave positive feedbacks, saying that they enjoyed every second of the workshop and they look forward to join the next series of the workshop. Despite the sad reality that the first series of Active Learning Workshop has come to an end, the truth is that it is actually a brand new beginning for educators to start implementing the methods learnt, leading students to a more positive student learning experience than before.

The committees

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